What you should and shouldn't do after getting sugared

Aftercare is crucial to ensure that your skin remains smooth, healthy, and free from irritation after sugaring. Here are some essential guidelines on what to do and what not to do for proper sugaring aftercare:

What to do:

  1. Keep the area clean and avoid harsh chemicals or exfoliating products for at least 48 hours after sugaring.

  2. Moisturize: Apply a soothing and non-comedogenic (non-clogging) moisturizer to the treated area after sugaring. This helps to keep your skin hydrated and reduces the risk of irritation.

  3. Wear loose clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction and irritation in the treated area.

  4. Exfoliate gently: After 48 hours, start exfoliating the treated area to prevent ingrown hairs. Use a gentle exfoliator or a soft brush to avoid irritating the skin.

What not to do:

  1. Avoid tight clothing: Refrain from wearing tight clothing that may cause friction and further irritate the freshly sugared skin.

  2. Skip the gym for 24 hours: Avoid intense physical activities and exercise for at least 24 hours after sugaring to prevent sweating and potential irritation.

  3. Say no to hot baths: Steer clear of hot baths, hot tubs, or swimming in chlorinated water for at least 24 hours after sugaring. This also includes sun exposure, steam rooms and saunas.

  4. Avoid touching the area: Refrain from touching the sugared area with unwashed hands, as it may lead to infections or irritations.

By following these aftercare guidelines, you can help your skin recover quickly and enjoy the benefits of smooth, hair-free skin after sugaring. If you are having any concerns after your sugaring appointment with us, please reach out to either location in Port Moody or Maple Ridge.