What is the point of exfoliating and aftercare anyway?

When you remove hair through sugaring at the root the new hair that grows in its place is tapered and weak. Because of this, anything that may be sitting on the surface of the skin can prevent it from exiting the follicle properly. When this happens, the weaker hair takes the path of least resistance and begins to grow under the skin, and BOOM you have an ingrown hair.

To prevent this from happening you want to reduce the chances of that weak hair from encountering anything that may stop its journey to the surface of the skin. This is where exfoliation and moisturizing become critical. By removing any dead skin (exfoliating) from the surface regularly and preventing dry skin from building up (moisturizing) you increase your chances of the hair making a healthy exit from the follicle. As with most things, consistency is key here. Exfoliating twice and a month isn't going to do the trick.

Below are the best practices for your aftercare routine:

1. The day of your sugaring appointment - Do nothing! Easy!

2. Two days after your appointment - Exfoliate with a Merben dry brush and follow up with a bit of our Hydrate oil or Moisture lotion

3. Repeat every other day until your next appointment.

By following these steps you are setting your skin up to be its healthiest and greatly reducing your chances of ingrowns. Check in with your sugaring practitioner for the optimal methods of exfoliating!


WhitneySugaring Change